Denver Drug Crimes Lawyer – Working To Get The Best Possible Outcome For Your Drug Charges
- Recognized as one of the best attorneys in the Denver area.
- The reviews left by former clients speak volumes about our aggressive legal representation and award-winning law firm.
- Before opening one of the top law firms in Denver, Attorney Daniel M. Murphy was a Colorado public defender, a position that taught him how to defend the most serious criminal charges.
- Daniel M. Murphy is a lawyer that will tirelessly fight to achieve the best possible outcome for your case, and he has earned [rscore score=4.7 rev=15]
- Our lawyers will provide you with a free and honest review of your case so you can learn more about your legal options.
In the state of Colorado, a narcotic conviction can result in a damaging criminal record, thousands of dollars in fines, and even time in a correctional facility. These are consequences that can permanently impact your life. With so much at stake, where should you turn? Experienced Denver drug crimes attorney, Daniel M. Murphy, will be your legal advocate if you face a drug charge in the greater Denver area. He knows that good people can make mistakes; he will aggressively defend you and work hard to protect your future. Denver criminal defense attorney Dan Murphy has over 25 years of legal experience with both juveniles and adults in a wide range of misdemeanor and felony drug cases, including possession, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession with intent to sell, trafficking, cultivation, sale and distribution, and prescription-related drug crimes. He’s a knowledgeable Denver defense attorney with a documented record of success in the Denver area.
Penalties for Drug Crimes
There are various drug charges that you can face in Denver, including the illegal possession and distribution of marijuana, cocaine, prescription drugs, and other controlled substances, with a number of different penalties depending on the severity of the crime. You may even face federal charges if your crime crossed over state borders.
Under Colorado law, certain types of controlled substance crimes may be eligible for enhanced penalties. For example, if you are convicted of the distribution of marijuana in a school, you may qualify for an enhanced penalty. Similarly, if your crimes have anything to do with minors, you may qualify for a sentencing penalty. Colorado law will take a stringent view of someone, who is, for example, using minors to distribute drugs, or trying to sell drugs to minors. In these cases, you would immediately qualify for a sentencing enhancement. Enhanced penalty or sentencing enhancement will result in stiffer penalties for certain types of offenses.
Low-level drug offenders may be sentenced to participate in the Denver Drug Court program. The Court is designed to target and attack the source of the problem – the substance abuse of the offender. As part of the Denver Drug Court, offenders are placed under supervised probation and judicial oversight. This helps maintain public safety, while also helping individual offenders avoid the prison system and get help for their substance abuse. The court system is designed to move quickly so that offenders can begin treatment immediately. When a person has been assigned to the Denver Drug Court, he can be out of jail in just a few days, and can actually begin treatment for his condition.
However, not everyone is eligible for the Denver Drug Court program. The program is only designed for low-level narcotic offenses that are nonviolent in nature. Persons who already have a history of violence, or have previously been convicted of drug offenses, drug dealing or weapons charges are not eligible for the Denver Drug Court. In a majority of the cases, offenders who are processed through the drug court are given the chance to get treatment for their substance abuse and integrate back into society.
It’s important to immediately get in touch with a Denver drug crimes defense lawyer as soon as you are arrested. Being convicted of a drug-related crime can have a long-term effect on your life. You will find that a drug conviction, even one for drug possession, will continue to remain on your record for years later. For instance, your conviction will show up on a background screening check conducted by a potential employer, and employers may deem it infeasible to employ someone who has a drug crime conviction on his sheet.
If you have been charged with any type of drug crime, seek legal advice immediately from an attorney. Dan M. Murphy has experience defending clients against drug crime charges and has the legal knowledge to fight your charges. Unlike other attorneys, each client gets personal attention from Dan Murphy as he reviews your case and works to create a solid defense strategy.
Marijuana Laws
Under the law in Colorado, if you are an adult above the age of 21, you can legally possess marijuana. You are allowed to possess 1 ounce of marijuana or 1 ounce of THC. You’re also allowed to enjoy recreational marijuana in both concentrated as well as edible forms. However, just because the sale of marijuana is allowed for recreational purposes, does not mean that there are no restrictions on your use of marijuana. For instance, you are not allowed to use marijuana in public. You cannot use or smoke pot openly or in public, and if you do so, you can be ticketed. Persons who are found in possession of marijuana in a home that has children could actually lose their children to child protection services agencies. There have been cases in Colorado, in which fathers have been denied unsupervised visitation rights with their children because they used marijuana.
It’s also not legal for you to drive after using pot. Colorado DUI laws have a legal limit for the amount of pot that you can have in your system, while you are driving. Under the law, the limit is 5 mg of THC per milliliter of blood.
If you’ve been arrested for a drug crime involving marijuana, contact Denver drug crimes attorney Dan Murphy as soon as possible.
I highly recommend Dan Murphy, he was took a personal interest in my case is very experienced and reasonable. I appreciate the way that Dan is able break down complicated issues and that he is very responsive to emails and calls. Dan also has very calming and reassuring demeanor which I found very helpful. – Michael Mercure
Will Drug Crimes Stay On Your Record?
Colorado law allows for the sealing of certain types of criminal records. This is done to restrict public access to your criminal conviction and history. Remember, that there are certain types of crimes for which sealing is not allowed, and also that there are restrictions that apply to other types of offenses.
You can request to have your criminal record sealed if you have been convicted of certain types of drug offenses. However, you will find that in most cases, sealing will not prevent access to your criminal history by certain types of agencies, including criminal justice or law enforcement agencies, lawyers, or courts. A third party that conducts criminal background screening checks may also not be barred from your information.
If you have been convicted of a petty drug offense, you may either petition for sealing one year after the date of the final disposition of criminal proceedings or after your release from supervision, whichever is later. If you have been convicted of a class II or III misdemeanor offense, you can petition three years after the date of the final disposition or your release from supervision, whichever is later. In the case of a class I drug misdemeanor, then you can file the petition five years after the date of the disposition or after release from supervision, whichever is later.
If you have been charged and convicted of other types of serious drug crimes, and want to get your record sealed, speak with a Denver criminal defense lawyer to understand how and when you can petition to have the record sealed.
Count on Dan Murphy
You can count on Denver drug crimes attorney, Dan Murphy, to provide you with a strong and aggressive defense. No two drug cases are alike, but Dan always scrutinizes the facts and fights for the best possible outcome. Were you blamed for possessing someone else’s drugs or paraphernalia? Were you overcharged for a minor violation? Did the police officers violate search and seizure laws? Many drug cases are also Fourth Amendment cases. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits law enforcement officers from conducting unwarranted searches and seizures. If your drug case involves a violation of the Fourth Amendment, it’s possible that potentially incriminating evidence can be suppressed, and that’s often enough to get the charges reduced or dismissed altogether.
Denver drug crimes attorney Dan Murphy will leave nothing to chance when working on your behalf. He will explain your situation, your legal rights, and the possible outcomes of your case. He will advise you regarding possible defense strategies and will work alongside you to determine the best course of action. Dan Murphy will also work with the prosecution to keep charges from being filed, to have the charges reduced or dismissed entirely, or to negotiate an acceptable plea deal with a reduced sentence. In some drug cases, the court may offer a rehabilitation program as an alternative to time in jail or prison.
Hire A Denver Drug Crimes Attorney
Denver drug crimes attorney, Daniel M. Murphy, provides seasoned, savvy legal representation and personalized service to every one of his clients. Every drug case is different, of course, so if you face a drug charge, it’s imperative to consult with an experienced Denver drug crimes attorney as early as possible – at the time of your arrest, or even earlier if you are being investigated. Dan Murphy provides a friendly environment for clients to discuss their legal situation and needs. Please schedule an initial free consultation with Denver drug crimes attorney Dan Murphy today!