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Can You Move Out Of State While On Bond?
If a criminal defendant in the state of Colorado flees – or…
How Plea Deals Work In Colorado?
If you are charged with a crime in the state of Colorado…
Are Breathalyzers Always Accurate?
Here in Colorado and in most other states, a number of drivers…
How To Fight Probation Violation Charges In Denver
In the state of Colorado, if you have been convicted of a…
Can You Beat A Traffic Ticket With Dash Cam Footage?
Dashboard cameras, according to USA Today, have “gone mainstream.” Wholesale shipments of…
Colorado’s Bail System
In the face of a jail overcrowding crisis, several Colorado judges are…
The Different Degrees of Assault in Colorado
Colorado recognizes three “degrees” of assault, but every assault is considered a…
What Happens When Teens Get DUIs In Colorado?
More teenagers are cited for driving under the influence – DUI –…
DUIDs In Colorado – What Drugs Count?
Precisely what does it mean to drive “under the influence” of drugs?…