
Domestic Violence Resources in Denver

Escaping an abusive relationship can be a terrifying position to be in. Victims that leave their partners often have to walk away from their homes and lives as they know it. In cases where children are involved, it can be particularly stressful to uproot their lives as well. Breaking free from violent situations is a commendable action that isn’t easy to take. Fortunately for abuse victims in Denver, Colorado, there are resources available for those in domestic violence relationships and those that are escaping the abuse.

SafeHouse Denver

This agency in Denver was established in 1977 and acts as Denver’s only agency that offers emergency shelter, non-residential counseling, and advocacy services to all ages that are experiencing violence from their partners. The SafeHouse focuses on helping victims in all stages of abuse to help empower them to lead safer, independent lives without abuse or isolation. They offer many services, both in English and Spanish, to victims of abuse. Services include safety planning, counseling, support groups, referrals to community resources, emergency housing, children’s programs, specialized services for bi-women and lesbians, and a 24-hour crisis hotline.

Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence, or CCADV, offers their services across the state including the Denver Metro area. The CCADV works as a non-profit organization and has a diverse network of domestic violence advocacy programs throughout the state of Colorado to encourage appropriate responses to domestic, family, and dating violence situations. They offer a wealth of resources online and a list of all of their programs in Colorado. Most of their programs offer advocacy services with trained advocates that can help with safety planning as well as provide information about welfare, disability services, immigration, housing, child protection, and employment protections. Many locations offer emergency shelters and long-term housing options. Emergency financial support is available to those in need. Support groups for adults, youth, and children are available. Legal advocacy is also offered to provide information, but most programs cannot provide legal counsel. They are still a great resource for referrals to free or low-cost criminal defense attorneys that can handle your case.

Deaf Overcoming Violence through Empowerment (DOVE)

DOVE is devoted to serving victims and survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence in Colorado’s deaf community. DOVE is a non-profit organization that offers free services to empower and give hope to the deaf or hard of hearing that experience abuse. DOVE offers plenty of resources on their website for individuals that need help and encourage victims to reach out to them for support.

Battered Women’s Justice Project

The Battered Women’s Justice Project, or BWJP, promotes innovations in policy and practice to improve the response to violence by the criminal, civil, and military justice systems. The BWJP offers assistance, consultations, and training for advocates and professionals involved in intimate partner violence cases. While the main office is located in Minneapolis, the BWJP is committed to promoting systemic change to aid victims of intimate partner violence across the country. The BWJP is a great resource for anyone working in the domestic violence field.

For more information, speak to a domestic violence lawyer today.